If you have more than $5,000 in the bank, this could be the most important story you see in the next 12 months. Tomorrow night, Nomi Prins is airing a private broadcast – Nomi Prins’ Enron 2.0: Nomi’s Revenge on Wall Street – to alert her most engaged followers to a story you won’t see anywhere else.
According to Nomi, America’s next major distortion – which she calls ‘Enron 2.0’ – could be sparked by an announcement from a small group in Washington D.C. on November 2nd.
Tomorrow night, Nomi will show you how to sidestep the worst of the distortion… and potentially make up to 10x as it plays out. And you’re invited to attend.
The Coming $4 Trillion Market Shock
After correctly predicting the 2008 meltdown, PhD economist and former Goldman Sachs executive Nomi Prins is back with a shocking new warning.
She believes an event that’s guaranteed to happen will soon trigger a $4 trillion market shock, catching most Americans by surprise.
Click here to see the details and prepare now.
Nomi Prins’ Enron 2.0 Official Replay
20 years ago, Nomi’s mom lost half of her savings to America’s biggest corporate crisis.
Now, Nomi is seeking revenge.
In the weeks ahead, she expects ‘Enron 2.0’ to create a new distortion in America’s financial system.
If you can see what’s coming, you could make up to 10x with Nomi’s ‘revenge’ strategy.
Watch Nomi Prins’ Enron 2.0 Official Replay here
Introduction to Nomi Prins Enron 2.0
We already have overwhelming uncertainty over what the Fed is doing with rates in the U.S. to supposedly fight inflation. Especially given the recent U.S. CPI numbers, which came in at 8.3%.
All this comes at a time when the U.K. faces an epic energy, inflationary, and now currency crisis. So paying attention to what the Bank of England does next is important for investors everywhere.
Because market reactions in the U.K. can give us signs of what’s to come across the pond. As I write, the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index (FTSE 100) – the U.K.’s benchmark index – is down 0.93% this morning.
And as you know the cracks are already starting to show here at home.
See, Americans are in the crosshairs of a multitrillion-dollar market shock which Nomi Prins is calling “Enron 2.0.”
The last time something like this happened, Nomi’s mom lost half of her life savings. And Nomi Prins says that she doesn’t want the same thing to happen to you.
That’s why she’s holding an emergency briefing this Wednesday, September 28 at 8 p.m. ET: Nomi Prins’ Enron 2.0: Nomi’s Revenge on Wall Street
Nomi will give you the details on what’s coming. And she’ll show you a new strategy she developed…
This strategy can help you prepare your portfolio – and give you the opportunity to make as much as 10x your money as this historic distortion unfolds.
So I hope you’ll join Nomi Prins on Wednesday.
Simply click here to save your spot.
What Do You Get Just For Attending Nomi Prins Enron 2.0?
As a thank you for tuning in on Wednesday night, Nomi Prins is giving away the name of one of her favorite stocks, which she thinks could become a blue chip over time… along with a special report Nomi and her team together called The Dirty Dozen. In it, you’ll find 12 energy stocks to avoid at all costs.
Anyone who shows up to Nomi Prins Enron 2.0: Nomi’s Revenge on Wall Street event will get these for free – no strings attached.