For the first time ever in his presentation Alan Knuckman reveals the full details of his groundbreaking 50 Cent technique.
Read further to discover details that have not been available to anyone on Wall Street before. This proprietary trading technique could change completely your approach to trading.
What is Alan Knuckman’s 50 Cent technique?
Without a doubt, 2022 started as one of the most volatility trading years ever.
Investors are frightened of what will happen to their portfolios now that inflation is reaching 8.5 percent.
Alan Knuckman has been working with his team on a trading strategy that not only can survive volatility but thrives on it. He calls it a 50 Cent Gamma Trade.
Since 2019 this trading strategy has earned:
- 55 double digit wins
- 23 Triple digit wins
- 103% average win
- Cumulative gains of over 8,445% with a 97% win-rate
In the first 12 trades alone, it racked up a perfect 100% track record. Yes, 3 straight months of weekly wins! Had you put $5,000 into each trade you’d have walked away with over $129,000.
Do I have your attention yet?
To be 100% transparent, Knuckman is sharing here the complete unedited track record (both wins and losses) …so there’s no surprises or mystery.
We recommend you to carefully review the 86 different trades, starting for around 50 cents.
I think it is important to mention here that many of these gains happened during some of the most volatile markets in history, including Covid-19 crash back in March 2020.
You will be surprised of the speed of these trades. If you take a look at the time, you will notice that each of these trades played out in less than 24 hours.
Now you are probably wondering how is this possible.
Let’s dive into the details.
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What is so special about 50 Cent technique?
The 4-part multivariate algorithm of this technique was developed by a Baltimore based team of researchers – which included a CFA charter holder.
This algorithm filters out millions of bits of noise data that most traders find confusing. And it tells when a 50 Cent Gamma trade is likely to happen with an accuracy rating of 97 percent.
Of course, not every trade will be a winner. This system, as amazing as it is, still loses, and you must be prepared for that.
50 cent Gamma trades don’t follow typical market conditions. They hit regardless of what’s going on in the broader market – up, down or even sideways.
If you start using 50 Cent Gamma Trades, you’ll quickly see that the 4-Tiered Gamma System solves the biggest problem that most trading systems have… False signals.
If you’ve been trading for a while, you are aware of the major issue in most trading indicators. No matter what indicator you are currently using (MacD, Bollinger etc) they usually run into the same issue.
And this is what happens when you rely on one data point—you’re always going to run into false starts.
Many customary techniques were lost in the middle of the chaos.
The 4-tiered Gamma System, on the other hand, eliminates all guesswork. It provides clear directions on what to do. And gives us the mathematical probability of the best trade to make.
And really – this is what makes 4-Tiered Gamma System special and separates it from every other trading indicator out there.
It’s the first system ever designed that has multiple levels to filter out false signals.
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Complete details are right here.
How 4-Tiered Gamma System works?
Let’s be clear from the beginning – this is NOT a momentum indicator.
The 4-tiered Gamma System is far more effective, precise, and strong.
If we take a closer look at the equation it looks like this:
4-Tiered Calculations
- Activity
- Greeks
- Trend
- Asymmetrical
Each one of these 4 criteria boils down to a corresponding light.
And when all 4 lights light up, we’ve got a mathematical probability of locating the fastest moving trades on Wall Street.
We would like you to be aware that this is a very aggressive strategy…and is also very risky.
It allows you to keep most of your portfolio in large safe investments, for example T-Bills. While taking 5%-10% of your portfolio and really maximizing your returns.
Before you jump ahead, take your time to watch the video where Alan Knuckman gives specific examples how this system works.
And always remember, you should never risk more than you’re willing to lose.
Any experienced trader will tell you if you want to consistently succeed as a trader you’ve got to have a plan to manage risk.
How Alan Knuckman and 50-cent Gamma Trades manage the risk?
Alan is clear what happens when they lose: If a trade doesn’t pan out, they don’t hold on to this and double down.
They cut the losses and move on to the next trade.
But as track record has shown—by focusing on the 4-Tiered Gamma System you’ve got a fantastic shot at trading with discipline.
And it’s straightforward enough to use it even if you’re not a Wall Street pro…
Wait for the 4 lights to trigger.
Make one trade.
And then cash out a few hours later.
This system does not predict anything. It capitalizes on what is already happening. This gives you the versatility to trade in both up and down markets.
The Biggest Commodity Bull Market in History?
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He details his No. 1 favorite commodity play, right here.
Trading strategy vs. Investing
If you really spend the time to review examples Alan is sharing, you will notice that they are not looking for the next Netflix, or Google. They are not analyzing balance sheets or attempting to construct a diversified portfolio.
This is the advantage of the 4-Tiered Gamma System.
It will give you the opportunity to profit from businesses, not to invest in companies.
Alan and his followers are not investors, which is a crucial distinction…
They are traders.
They are not concerned about:
- The business’s long-term prospects
- What the CEO has in mind for marketing
- The mission statement of the company
They just grab a trading opportunity, place one straightforward trade and cashed out approximately 24 hours later.
It is simply taking a mathematical bet to maximize short term trading opportunities.
This strategy is really interesting but first we’ll share with you some more information…
Who is Alan Knuckman?
Since 1991 he has been trading at the Chicago Board of Trade. He appeared on CNBC, Fox News, CNN, Bloomberg, and others.
After decades of experience as a top trader, he began teaching hardworking Americans the strategies he had mastered as a professional trader. We recommend you to read some of the reviews from his students.
Alan truly believes that “Getting rich quick is better than getting rich slow”. He found the proven successful strategy called the 4-Tiered system.
Despite the 4-tiered system being one of his career’s biggest breakthroughs, he never mentioned it on Fox or CNBC.
That’s because he didn’t invent it. An exceptional research group based in Baltimore; Maryland created this unique equation.
Several years ago, when Alan first heard of this strategy, this technique was at its very early stage.
In the video he shares with his audience that at first, he was very skeptical. To answer many questions that raised in his head, he put together his own research team.
And after analyzing thousands of documents, crunching data, and dissecting countless spreadsheets he claims he is certain it has the potential to improve a lot of people’s lives.
With one condition, and we want to make sure you know it: 4-Tiered Gamma System can’t be applied to all companies!
We have noticed, these deals are all with well-known corporations such as Apple, Microsoft, Bank of America, etc. This has its own safety purpose.
Alan and his team are not dealing with startups and risky IPO’s. The companies they are looking for are all blue-chip firms worth billions. First, their stocks have a lot of liquidity. Second, they give options that allow the most flexibility to get in and out of trades.
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Why it is so important to use 4-Tiered Gamma System?
Another very important detail that we must mention is the rise of the online Robinhood accounts and retail traders. We are talking about over 13 million brand new traders.
Many of these new traders are noise traders. They are distorting market prices and confuse other traders. Most importantly, they are turning a confusing situation like navigating current market to almost impossible.
Using a proven system to filter out this noise has never been more important. As Yahoo Finance noted, in the right situation Noise traders can actually help the smart and patient traders.
Alan and his team put together a blueprint for this system. It is called Trader’s Guide: 50 Cent Gamma Trades
You can access it is part of his revolutionary research service.
How 4-Tiered Trade Alert works?
Use this link to subscribe. You will immediately receive the 4-Tiered System Master Class. The first thing we recommend you to do is to go to page 7. There you can read about the strategy behind 50 Cent Gamma trades. It will help you to find the fastest way to get started.
In the next few pages, you will learn how to instantly set up your account.
After you are familiar with the basics, go to page 11. There you will find the list of all upcoming plays. Most importantly, you will read about the things you should be looking for next. You will get the name of the company and the full story behind this opportunity.
That’s about it.
What is the catch?
Don’t think that you just need to follow 4-Tiered System and automatically collect the profits. This is not a magic fairy giving money away.
If you are looking for a set it and forget type of strategy, this is not for you. This system is specially designed for people who are interested in weekly trading.
The second drawback is due to the low price of the trades. They can’t handle a lot of traffic.
When options are trading for 20 and 30 cents it only takes a small amount of volume to blow up the entire trade. As a result, it can only accommodate a limited number of people.
The good news is that if you get in on these deals early enough, it can skyrocket.
How much does it cost?
For limited time only the first 500 people that sign up for 4-Tiered System will have the chance to get the full service for only $1,295.
Keep in mind that this link is first come first serve.
As a special gift, the first 500 subscribers will receive also FREE Samsung tablet along with their welcoming package.
The gift will be yours to keep no matter what.
Just keep in mind that they do not allow any refunds with the current promotion.
What will you receive when you join?
Here is a list what is included in 4-Tierred System:
- 4-Tierred Master Class
- The Trader’s Guide to the 4- Tiered System – it is short and easy to read guide that explains everything about 4-Tiered System. In just few pages you will understand exactly what to look for in the next Gamma Trade.
- Exclusive 7-Part Video Series where you will learn step-by-step how to start trading.
- FREE new Tablet – This computer is extremely light, weighing only 2.5 pounds. It has an Intel Celeron processor for speedy program launches and web browsing…a beautiful 11.6″ 1366×768 HD display for viewing photos and watching videos in high definition…and a tested battery life of 12 hours and 30 minutes.
- Complete Access to Alan Knuckman’s recommendations with clear instructions on which trades are hitting and when to buy.
This sounds great, but is it right for me?
You can learn how to trade successfully by using this strategy:
- Without spending all day in front of a computer
- Without stress and worry about stock market crash
- Without taking a buy-and-hold approach to investing
If you can follow directions and make sure you complete the instructions, this system is for you.
Do you have time to be on call early for an hour or every Monday (and occasionally Tuesday) about 10 a.m.? At this time, the four-tiered system finds this week’s Gamma trade and makes a recommendation. And if you want to maximize this service you have to be available.
In fact, timeliness is so important that they’ve created a special Telegram channel where they send messages directly.
Once you are set up most trades are quick to execute.
As you’ve seen the 4-Tiered System is not a standard investment. It is not about buying a share, holding for few years, and hoping it goes up. It operates in a completely different paradigm. One that by-passes Wall Street’s guessing game and allows you to take control of your own future.
That’s why you will never hear the 4-Tiered Gamma System mentioned on CNBC or other mainstream media. As a result, you’re going to have to step outside the herd and be a little different.
The truth is it is not average service.
They don’t just send out newsletters with stock recommendation and hope for the best. This is an elite service dedicated to offer people the real chance to consistently have trading success.
Members must act and learn how to trade the recommended stocks.
Hope this review will be helpful to decide what will be your next step.
Keep in mind currently they have strictly limited quota and once that’s filled there is no guarantee that anyone else can get in at this price. Good luck!